Share Brain Imaging Data with BISI

The Brain Imaging Sharing Initiative (BISI) platform ( or supports the sharing of 1) raw data (in BIDS format), as well as the sharing of results which were preprocessed by 2) DPARSF or 3) DPABISurf standardized protocol.
You will need:
1. Create an account at BISI ( or
2. Create a new Project (Public or Protected) at BISI.
3. Organize your data. 1) Raw data (in BIDS format); 2) DPARSF Results; 3) DPABISurf Results. See here for an example (Example data link for China).
4. Upload your data with the BISI Uploader.     (Download link for China)
Please see here for a 16min tutorial video or PPT (strongly recommend).           (Video link for China, PPT link for China)