[T]Looking for an Assistant Professor position


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Name: Chao-Gan Yan
Degree: Ph.D.
Target position: assistant professor or equivalent position.
Already got the position: not yet.
Job type: full-time.
Research interests: 1) computational methodology of R-fMRI; 2) electrophysiological significance of R-fMRI measures; 3) brain network analysis and application to brain disorders.
Region: greater New York area.
Expecting salary: negotiable.
Expecting starting time: August, 2014
Current position: research scientist at the Nathan Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research, Child Mind Institute, and NYU Child Study Center.
Page/CV: rfmri.org/yan
Contact: ycg.yan#gmail.com
To Whom It May Concern,
I would like to look for an assistant professor or equivalent position in the greater New York area.
Dedicated to the resting-state fMRI related fields, I have published 26 peer-reviewed journal articles. To facilitate the application of resting-state fMRI to brain disorder studies, I created a user-friendly pipeline called Data Processing Assistant for Resting-State fMRI (DPARSF) (times cited up to Aug, 2013: 136) and leads the maintaining group in updating the Resting-state fMRI Data Analysis Toolkit (REST) (times cited up to Aug, 2013: 128). I also created multimedia courses of data processing of resting-state fMRI (rfmri.org/Course, times viewed up to Aug, 2013: 52254) and served as the initiating + service node of the R-fMRI Network (rfmri.org). I am an academic reviewer for scientific journals including Journal of Neuroscience, Human Brain Mapping, NeuroImage, PLoS ONE, Brain Connectivity, Neuroinformatics and Frontiers in Neuroscience. Please see may detailed CV at rfmri.org/yan.
My recent project is to explore the electrophysiological significance of the R-fMRI measurements, and to bridge the gaps between macro-scale connectomes (by fMRI) and meso-/micro-scale neurophysiology (by electrical recording). I am pursuing R-fMRI to be scanned simultaneously with recording of laminar profiles of local field potentials and neuronal firing using linear array multielectrodes implanted into the monkey brain.
Please feel free to contact me (ycg.yan#gmail.com) if you have an assistant professor position open and are interested in my background.
Thanks a lot!
Yours Sincerely,