A message to potential Gold Sponsor: THE MISSION MAIN STREET


We have applied THE MISSION MAIN STREET GRANTS to help our growth of The R-fMRI Network: a network for supporting resting-state fMRI related studies!

If you grant our application, you will become our Gold Sponsor. In addition, if you would like us to put CHASE as our Gold Sponsor instead, that’s totally fine!

We promise you that we will help you to reach out our excellent audience: each of our audience holds a Ph.D. or M.D. degree, or at least is a candidate for these degrees.

1.     You will be displayed at http://rfmri.org/Sponsors.

2.     You will be displayed each time DPARSF (cited 294 times till Sep 6, 2014) and DPABI starts.

3.     You will be displayed in each issue of PRN.

4.     You will be displayed in the beginning of each video of The R-fMRI Course.

The R-fMRI Network (rfmri.org) has been designed as a professional academic framework to support R-fMRI studies. The R-fMRI Network comprises R-fMRI researchers (the nodes) who are connected by sharing (the edges) with each other. Through the network, we can efficiently share ideas, comments, resources, tools, experiences, data, and our increasing knowledge of the brain. Researchers (nodes) with basic neuroscience, methodological, or clinical backgrounds can connect with each other in the network. We hope the R-fMRI Network will help to enhance collaborations among researchers, especially to translate our knowledge of basic neuroscience and methodology to clinical applications (bench to bedside).

Please contact PR#rfmri.org now to reach out this excellent audience!