about ReHo

Dear experts,

I am a novice in fMRI. I would like to ask a question about  the preprocessing of ReHo. Is it necessary to include "nuisance regression" in the preprocessing step? In some literatures it was not mentioned, while in some others it was included. Is "nuisance regression" necessary?

Thank you for your kind reply!


Charlotte -- Yeap. My recommendation is to get ride of these nuisances (not including global signal). Please read recent reliability review (Zuo et al., 2013; Zuo and Xing, 2014). Cheers, Xi-Nian.

-----Original Messages-----
From:"The R-fMRI Network"
Sent Time:Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Subject:[RFMRI] about ReHo

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By Jiechuan Ren (fMRInovice)

Dear experts,
I am a novice in fMRI. I would like to ask a question about  the preprocessing of ReHo. Is it necessary to include "nuisance regression" in the preprocessing step? In some literatures it was not mentioned, while in some others it was included. Is "nuisance regression" necessary?
Thank you for your kind reply!
Online version of this post: http://rfmri.org/content/about-reho-0

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Dr Zuo,Thank you very much! I have found these literatures you mentioned.