Dear all,
We are organizing a special issue at Frontiers Psychiatry: "Brain and Somatization Symptoms in Psychiatric Disorders" (Guest Editors: Fengyu Zhang, Chao-Gan Yan, Wenbin Guo, Feng Liu).
Please feel free to join us.
In collaboration with the journal Frontiers in Psychiatry, section Neuroimaging and Stimulation we are organizing an article collection on "Brain and Somatization Symptoms in Psychiatric Disorders" (Guest Editors: Fengyu Zhang, Chao-Gan Yan, Wenbin Guo, Feng Liu).
The aim of this project is to bring together international experts to provide a comprehensive view of this topic. Would you like to participate as a contributing author?
Manuscripts will be peer-reviewed and, if accepted for publication, will be free to access for all readers, and indexed in relevant repositories.
As an author, you will:
• Participate in an article collection around a theme relevant to your research
• Collaborate and grow your network by working with colleagues from around the world
• Track your article impact in real-time with advanced impact metrics
• Benefit from the quality seal of rigorous, transparent and fast peer review (conducted on all submissions)
• Increase the visibility of your research as part of a highly discoverable content resource
Frontiers will also compile an e-book, as soon as all contributing articles are published, that can be used as educational material, be sent to foundations that fund your research, to journalists and press agencies, or to your professional network. E-books are free to read and download.
Manuscripts accepted for
publication are subject to publishing fees, which vary depending on the article type. Research Topic A type articles receive a discount on publishing fees; please see here for a full fee table, and further relevant FAQs: