Would you mind helping me?
I downloaded "Demo data for DPARSF" from The R-fMRI Network, and set the pass. Then I started the program. It run halfway, but stopped with the error as follows.
I have made efforts to solve this problem, but I can't.
If there were somebody who knows the resolution method, please teach me. (And my MATLAB version is R2016b)
Generating AutoMasks begin...
Reading images from "C:\Img_data\ProcessingDemoData\FunImgAR\Sub_003\ra20070930_090505gefunc31x31x30240RSSub003s004a001.nii" etc.
Fixed Clip level = 420.193899
Used gradual clip level = 391.848003 ... 457.801543
Number voxel above clip level = 37599;
Clustering voxels...
Error using w_Automask>w_mask_clust (line 306)
Undefined function 'bwlabeln' for input arguments of type 'double'.
Error in w_Automask (line 58)
mask = w_mask_clust(mask);
Error in DPARSFA_run (line 1807)
parfor i=1:AutoDataProcessParameter.SubjectNum
Error in DPARSF_run (line 113)
[Error] = DPARSFA_run(Cfg);
Error in DPARSF>pushbuttonRun_Callback (line 1154)
Error in gui_mainfcn (line 95)
Error in DPARSF (line 52)
gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
Error while evaluating UIControl Callback
Best Regards
Tsuyoshi Hashimoto
Diagnostic Radiologist, Advanced Imaging Center TSUKUBA,JAPAN
E-mail: ytm.workspace@gmail.com
YAN Chao-Gan
Tue, 01/03/2017 - 11:55
Undefined function 'bwlabeln'
Undefined function 'bwlabeln' for input arguments of type 'double'.
You have to install matlab imaging processing toolbox.