Hi teams,
I didn't get these folders (FunSurfWglobal, FunSurfWglobalC, FunSurfWglobalCF, FunVoluWglobal, FunVoluWglobalC, FunVoluWglobalCF) after running dpabisurf. Does this affects my further analysis when using the results of dpabisurf? How to generate these folders without re-runing all steps? Thanks
Best wishes
Fri, 07/10/2020 - 09:05
Hi Thee,
Hi Thee,
From the DPABISurf Pipeline panel, please hit the "Nuisance regressors (WM, CSF, Global)" button, then check "Both with & without GSR".
You may uncheck all steps before "Nuisance Covariates Regression" and set the "Starting Directory Name" as FunSurfW.
Good Luck!