I encountered some problems when using dpabi for dynamic ALFF and ReHo processing. So I want to ask you and hope that you can give me some solutions. Thanks.
Firstly,Have CV and Std maps processed by TDA module of dpabi been standardized?
Second, If CV and Std maps need to be standardized, I don't understand the specific use of dpabi-Standardization module. Should I put Std or CV maps in the Image Directory? Is the Mask an automatically generated pre-processed gray mask?
Third, There are many methods in dpabi-Standardization module. If I want to calculate the dALFF values at each voxel divided by the global mean dALFF values within a grey matter mask, choose Mean Division ? If I want to transform CV or Std maps to standardized z-scores, choice Z-Standardization? As a matter of fact, I don't know which one is best.