DPARSFA Output File Summary

As many users of DPARSFA were confused about the meaning of DPARSFA Output file, this summary was compiled according to the video on rfmri.org

DPARSFA_Autosaved_xxx -- DPARSFA setting log file.

FunRaw -- Raw functional images. 

FunImg -- Functional images in NIFTI format.

FunImgA -- This file contains the functional images after slice timing.

FunImgAR -- This file contains the functional images after realignment (correcting head motion using parameters in RealignParameter file).

FunImgARC -- This file contains the functional images after nuisance regression.

FunImgARCovs -- Covariates used in nuisance regression.

FunImgARCW -- This file contains the functional images after spatial normalization.

FunImgARCWF -- This file contains the functional images after filter.

FunImgARCWFsym -- This file contains the functional images after filter which are more symmetric.

FunImgARCWFsymS -- This file contains the functional images after smooth.

FunImgARglobal -- This file is exactly same as FunImgARglobal. And other files contain the ‘global’ word means the images have been executed global signal regression.

T1Raw -- Raw structural images.

T1Img -- Structure image in NIFTI format.

T1Coreg -- T1 images which have been co-registrated to functional images.

T1ImgNewSegment -- This file contains the T1 segment images.

Masks -- This file contains the masks created by DPARSFA .

PicturesForChkNormalization -- Pictures for checking normalization.

QC -- Quality control log file created by reorienting procedure.

RealignParameter -- This file contains the parameters used in realignment.

ReorientMats -- The log file of manually reorienting functional/T1 image. ( DPARSFA can use it to reorient image automatically if you rename it ‘DownloadedReorientMats’)

SymmetricGroupT1MeanTemplate --Group T1 templates after Symmetric.

Result -- Result images such as ALFF. ALFF_FunImgARCW contains ALFF images. ‘FunImgARCW’ index the preprocessing procedure.

TRInfo -- TR information extracted from raw data.