Hi, I am receiving multiple errors and am hoping someone can assist me in my queries, thank you for your help:
1) Not including weighted betweenness centrality appears to remove normalization error of "normalization error: some metrics derived from random networks result in zero which cannot be used for normalization". I am slightly confused as I had already removed 1 participant whose network is fragmented at 0.15 but when I include betweenness centrality, the above normalization error appears. Can you kindly explain why and is there anything I can do apart from excluding betweenness centrality
2) I am keen to include local clustering
Error using plot
3) when I included weighted rich club coeff undirected, I received this error. Can I check if it is wise just to omit rich club coeff as a metric to analyse or should I address this error? If I should address this error, what can I do please? This is the error message received:
Error using tlstsq
tlstsq dgelsd error
Error in graphvar_glm/RFIT (line 549)
[B, R] = tlstsq(X, Y);
Error in executeStats (line 289)
] = RFUN(Y_(:, CHUNK), nRandom_); % originally: SE(:, CHUNK)] = RFUN(Y_(:, CHUNK), nRandom_);
Error in GraphVar_corr (line 86)
[Files, LAB, N] = executeStats(allTasks, ...
Error in GraphVar>Btn_calcCorr_Callback (line 75)
Error in gui_mainfcn (line 95)
Error in GraphVar (line 40)
gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
Error in matlab.graphics.internal.
Error while evaluating UIControl Callback.
4) when I ran my analyses with 1 model, 1 interaction, 1 rep, there was no error but when I did 1000 models, 1 iteration and 100 rep, I received this error, again (I received the same error when I tried with 500 models), I am not sure how to proceed as I am the impression that 1000 models, 1 iteration and 100 rep is the bare minimum to obtain valid results:
Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds (must not exceed 198).
Error in CalcVars (line 779)
Result = ResultRandVar(:,i_rand);
Error in GraphVar_calc (line 93)
[res,shuffelFiles] =
dialogData.nRandom, 'RandomFunction' ,randomNetwork_func , 'RandomIterations' ,
dialogData.randomIter, 'Smallworldness',
Error in GraphVar>Btn_calcCorr_Callback (line 73)
[res allTask] = GraphVar_calc(handles); %%%%%%???????
Error in gui_mainfcn (line 95)
Error in GraphVar (line 40)
gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
Error in
Error while evaluating UIControl Callback.
5. when I created raw matrix to use NBS, I received this error if I selected r to z, no change in weights or when I selected negative weights to 0. I read that z transformation is recommended, can I check what I can do in order to use r to z please :
Error using CalcCorrMatrix (line 157)
The connectivity values cannot be Fisher r-to-z transformed, as they are not scaled correctly (-1 < r < 1).
Error in GraphVar_calc (line 107)
calcCorrMatrixResult =
dialogData.R2Z, dialogData.DynamicGraphVar2,
Error in GraphVar>Btn_calcCorr_Callback (line 73)
[res allTask] = GraphVar_calc(handles); %%%%%%???????
Error in gui_mainfcn (line 95)
Error in GraphVar (line 40)
gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
Error in
Error while evaluating UIControl Callback.