I am doing second-level rsfMRI analysis with fALFF data in ~530 participants and try to use PT with TFCE for multiple comparison. I´have a very basic problem: I didn't understand which file/folder to chose for 'Group Images' at the section statistical analysis of DPABI Toolbox.
I've already check the slides, which don't mention about input.
rfmri.org/content/permutation-test-dpabi website also doesn't give the clue.
Should I use fALFF maps? I would be happy to hear the right way to do it, before MATLAB would be unresponsive for hours..
Thank you!
YAN Chao-Gan
Fri, 05/24/2019 - 00:49
Usually you organize all the
Usually you organize all the szALFF files (under ResultsS) of patients in one directory, and szALFF files of controls into another directory.
Add group images means add patients' directory, adn then add controls' directory.
Mon, 06/10/2019 - 22:47
thanks for the answer!
thanks for the answer!
however I tried first to aply one sample t test with 569 subjects and I got this error:
ok, i see that my inputName format ist not matching any of these:
YAN Chao-Gan
Mon, 06/17/2019 - 02:19
Probably downsample your
Probably downsample your images would be better. E.g., from 256x256x192 t0 61x73x61.