Dear Chao-Gan,
I am rerunning a dataset using a relatively older verions of DPABI _V1.2_141101 and spm8. Previously it worked well. This time the pipeline was broken several times. Now at the step of Nuisance Covariates Regression, it stopped again. For this step, for the option of Nuisance setting, I chose white matter, CSF, mask used Segment, method was CompCor with PC number of 5. Here is the error message:
Moving Coviables Removed Files: S0076 ok
??? Index exceed matrix dimensions.
Error in ==> DPARSFA_run>(parfor_body) at 2674
MatFilenmae=[AutoDataProcessParameter, DataProcessDir, filesep,'T1ImgSegment',filesep, AutoDataProcessParameter,SubjectID{i},filesep,MatFileDir(1).name];
Error in ==>parallel_function at 491
S=F(base, limit);
Was the Index exceed matrix dimensions due to the fact that I chose segment when regressing out white matter and csf signals?
Thank you for your help in advance.
YAN Chao-Gan
Wed, 03/02/2016 - 00:47
Hi Lihong,
Hi Lihong,
You have chosen "Normalize by T1 image unified segmentation". Did you check "Segment" beforehand. Or you checked "New Segment+DARTEL"? If the latter, you can choose "Normalize by DARTEL".