PRN is recruiting a content editor and an art editor (part time)

Position: Content editor and Art editor.

Already got the talent: Content editor has been filled (Mr. Qingyang Li, M.S.); Art editor position is still open!

Job type: part-time.

Job requirement: help the PRN initiator to make the "journal".

Region: work from home.

Salary: $1000 per issue and $100 per issue

Contact: (Chao-Gan Yan, Ph.D.)


Preprints of the R-fMRI Network (PRN) is a preprint, open-access, free-submission, “peer viewed”, community funded "Jounral-like" Preprints of R-fMRI related studies. The goal of PRN is to supplement the current slow and inefficient “peer reviewed” journal publication system.

Now the PRN is hiring a part time content editor and a part time art editor.

Content editor

·      Compensation at $1000 per issue*.

·      Check the format of the submissions and communicate with the submission authors until the format is correct.

·      Contact the corresponding author to confirm his/her approval of submission.

·      Communicate with the consultants to notify new submissions and their potential ratings and possible comments.

·      Summarize the articles of “consultants’ choice” and “readers’ choice” as well as the top active articles, which demonstrated the most active comments and revisions.

·      Rank the activities of the consultants, re-activate inactive consultants, send gifts to the top 3 consultants each month.

·      Summarize exemplar models of interactive and collaborative public PAPER projects at My Research Network, to spur the feedback and revision of the articles, and spur the interactive and collaborative atmosphere of The R-fMRI Network (

·      Raise fund for The R-fMRI Network (the $1000 compensation comes from the community contributed fund)*.

·      Help the Initiator to make the PRN articles to be indexed by Google Scholar and even by PubMed.

·      Communicate with the art editor and the Initiator to push the beautiful Web version and the excellent PDF version of the monthly issue online.

·      Other obligations based on mutual agreement with the initiator.

Art editor

·      Compensation at $100 per issue*.

·      Communicate with the content editor and the Initiator to make a beautiful Web version and an excellent PDF version of each issue.

·      Raise fund for The R-fMRI Network (the $100 compensation comes from the community contributed fund)*.

·      Other obligations based on mutual agreement with the initiator.

*The PRN is a community funded effort. If we failed to raise enough fund (i.e., >$1200), the content editor and the art editor should either kindly accept working at a reduced compensation, or we HAVE TO ABORT the PRN effort.


If you are interested in, please email your CV, personal statement and 3 reference letters to For the content editor, please also attach your previous article work (e.g., journal, magazine, blog, paper). For the art editor, please also attach your previous art work (e.g., computer graphics, magazine/journal cover, graphic designs).