Dear R-fMRI team,
I have two questions about the statstical analysis for ROI correlation results.
1. ROI Correlation results (e.g. ROICorrelation_Sub001.mat & ROICorrelation_FisherZ_Sub001.mat) would be generated automatically after selecting ROI extraction, and I have 2 groups of subjects, can I directly use the ROI Correlation FisherZ results between the same two ROIs (e.g. ROI1 & ROI2) for each subject in two groups to do the 2 sample t-test?
2. When I did 2 sample t-test for zFC maps for 2 groups, I added "sex", "age" and "head motion" as covariates. But I didn't add these covariates in the 2 sample t-test for ROI correlation FisherZ results. Should I add these covariates too? And if I should, where can I put the covariates in the analysis?
Thanks and look forward to your reply!
Best wishes,
YAN Chao-Gan
Thu, 06/18/2020 - 10:12
You should extract the Fisher
You should extract the Fisher Z values for ROI pairs, and using your own matlab script or SPSS to do the further stats.