smoothing after ReHo calculation


I am using DPARSF V2.1. I want to calculate ReHo map, but job execution fails when it comes to run smooth with the following error:

Failed  'Smooth'
Error using spm_vol>subfunc (line 101)
File "G:\My Files\MS Project\Project files\Analysis\ADHD\PREPROC\nitrcREADY\Results\ReHo\mReHoMap_Subject002.img" does not exist.
In file "E:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\bin\spm8\spm_vol.m" (v4045), function "subfunc" at line 101.
In file "E:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\bin\spm8\spm_vol.m" (v4045), function "subfunc1" at line 77.
In file "E:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\bin\spm8\spm_vol.m" (v4045), function "subfunc2" at line 69.
In file "E:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\bin\spm8\spm_vol.m" (v4045), function "spm_vol" at line 54.
In file "E:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\bin\spm8\spm_smooth.m" (v4172), function "spm_smooth" at line 33.
In file "E:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\bin\spm8\config\spm_run_smooth.m" (v3915), function "spm_run_smooth" at line 20.
I think it's because after ReHo calculation, ReHo map is written in a nifti file. However smooth looks for Analyze format. 
How can I fix this error?
Best regards


Please try a later version of DPARSF to see if the problem persists?

