Stability Analysis 功能连接阈值

近期有一篇关于动态功能连接稳定性的论文在投,审稿人提问如下:In the section of Functional stability calculation, the formula of KCC included N to denote the number of connections of each gray matter voxel with all other gray matter voxels. So how did the authors threshold a FC value into a binary connection?
我在阅读Functional Stability提出的论文(Stability of dynamic functional architecture differs between brain networks and states)时,看到的这句话:“Analyses were confined to a grey matter mask, which was created by thresholding the mean grey matter density across participants at 0.2 and intersected with a group mask of 90% coverage of functional images.”是否能解答审稿人提出的问题呢?

“how did the authors threshold a FC value into a binary connection”

FC map 没有卡阈值。
