I am using the DPARSF toolbox to run through 1 subject's data as my first case.
Towards the end I get this error (see in red below) regarding symbolic link cretaion; I am using a remote server that doesn't allow this operation (something about NTFS versus other system).
"...VMHC compution over, elapsed time: 5.9 seconds.
Smoothing the resutls...
Running job #1
Running 'Smooth'
Done 'Smooth'
Moving Smoothed Files:fALFF_FunRawARCW OK
Moving Smoothed Files:DegreeCentrality_FunRawARCWF OK
Moving Smoothed Files:FC_FunRawARCWF OK
Moving Smoothed Files:ReHo_FunRawARCWF OK
Moving Smoothed Files:VMHC_FunRawARCWFsymS OK
Moving Smoothed Files:ALFF_FunRawARCW OK
ln: failed to create symbolic link ‘~/ReHo/FunImgARglobal’: Operation not supported.."
Which file is it looking for and how can I set up the copy into this folder, so that when I run this analysis for a large group, it can be done within the pipeline?
thank you,
Below is a snapshot of the file structure. FunImgARglobalCovs is currently empty
YAN Chao-Gan
Fri, 11/17/2017 - 13:31
You can copy FunImgAR to
You can copy FunImgAR to FunImgARglobal, and then continue the analysis with global signal regression.
Fri, 11/17/2017 - 13:39
In that case do I uncheck all
In that case do I uncheck all of the earlier options on the GUI (slice timing, segment, normalize etc.)? or I simply copy the file to the necessary folder and re-run dpabi? Do I have to this each time, for every subject?
thank you,
YAN Chao-Gan
Thu, 11/30/2017 - 05:27
Uncheck the options till
Uncheck the options till nuisance gression. Remember to set the correct starting directory name.