1. Open DPABI_VIEW, and load your images and setup.
Or you can use w_Call_DPABI_VIEW.m to setup automatically.
%H = w_Call_DPABI_VIEW(BrainVolume,NMin,PMin,ClusterSize,ConnectivityCriterion,UnderlayFileName,ColorMap,NMax,PMax,H,Transparency,Position,BrainHeader)
2. [Image, Space]=w_MontageImage([10 20 30;40 50 60], 'T', 1);
[10 20 30;40 50 60] - the slices you wanted.
'T' -Axial View. Or can be 'C' or 'S'
1 - The currnet DPABI_VIEW
%[Image, Space]=w_MontageImage(IndexM, type, curfig, flag)
3. Image = flipdim(Image,1); %Flip the vertical
4. imwrite(Image,'testt.tif');
'testt.tif' is where you want to save your image.