When I apply downloaded reorient mats, do I need to reorient the image again?



最近遇到一个问题,就是我在用DPABI处理数据的时候,出了一些错,导致我要重新处理,但是不想再做reorient了,我按照DPABI的manual把之前的reorientmats 重命名成downloaded reoreintmats,后续我就不用手动做reorient了,可是还是会跳出相应的配准时的T1和功能图像,我是不是直接点一下下方的reorient按钮就可以啦?







Check off checkboxes of "Reorient ... Interactively"

Dear Dr. Yan,

Thanks so much for your kind reply. I checked the GUI carefully but still couldn't find the "Reorient....Interactively" button, seems a little bit weired. I screen shot the steps that I have done, first I applied the reoreint mats, and in Matlab it shows applied the mats successfully. Then the reorint pictures showed up again. Do I need to do anything about this step or is to just click the reorient button?

Looking forward for your reply,


It reads "Reorient Fun*" and  "Reorient T1*".