Forwarding a talk in case you are interested in.
The Department of Radiology invites you to a Research Seminar as part of the Radiology Research Forum on Tuesday, July 30th at 12:00 PM. This will take place at 660 First Avenue, 4th floor large conference room.
Resting-state fMRI: Algorithms, Applications to Brain Disorders and Data Processing
Chao-Gan Yan, PhD
Nathan Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research, Child Mind Institute, and New York University Child Study Center
Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (R-fMRI) has emerged as a mainstream imaging modality with myriad applications in basic, translational and clinical neuroscience. Beyond impressive demonstrations of accuracy, reliability and reproducibility for measures of intrinsic brain function, this approach has gained popularity due to its sensitivity to developmental, aging and pathological processes, ease of data collection in otherwise challenging populations, and amenability to aggregation across studies and sites. In this talk, I would like to introduce the principles, computational algorithms and methodological issues of R-fMRI as well as its clinical application to brain disorders (e.g., Alzheimer's disease). Finally, I would like to demonstrate the data processing of R-fMRI with our convenient pipeline toolbox DPARSF.
About the Speaker: Dr. Chao-Gan Yan is a research scientist at the Nathan Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research, Child Mind Institute, and New York University Child Study Center. His main research interests are focused on computational methodology of resting-state fMRI and electrophysiological significance of fMRI measures. Dedicated to the resting-state fMRI-related fields, he has published 26 peer-reviewed journal articles. To facilitate the application of resting-state fMRI to brain disorder studies, Dr. Yan created a user-friendly pipeline called Data Processing Assistant for Resting-State fMRI (DPARSF) (times cited since 2010: 135) and leads the maintaining group in updating the Resting-state fMRI Data Analysis Toolkit (REST) (times cited since 2011: 124). He also created multimedia courses of data processing of resting-state fMRI (, times viewed since 2009: 51798) and co-founded the online forum of resting-state fMRI ( He is an academic reviewer for scientific journals including Journal of Neuroscience, Human Brain Mapping, NeuroImage, PLoS ONE, Brain Connectivity, Neuroinformatics and Frontiers in Neuroscience.