Dear all,
We are pleased to announce the release of DPABI V2.0 and DPARSF V4.0.
New features of DPABI_V2.0_151201 and DPARSF_V4.0_151201:
1. Compatible with MATLAB 2014b and later versions.
2. Process the data both with and without global signal regression (GSR). Check “Nuisance regressors setting” -> “Both with & without GSR”. Alternatively, you can call DPARSFA_RerunWithGSR.m. E.g., DPARSFA_RerunWithGSR(DPARSFACfg.mat); where DPARSFACfg.mat stores the previous parameters without GSR.
3. The processing steps are affixed to Results directories. The R-fMRI calculation parameters are also written to the header of the result files.
4. V4 processing parameter template is added. No smoothing before R-fMRI measure calculation (except for VMHC). This is used for comparing across studies and accumulate processed data.
5. DPABI Statistical Analysis. Add multiple comparison test after ANOVA, e.g., 'tukey-kramer' or 'hsd', 'lsd', 'dunn-sidak', 'bonferroni’ or ‘scheffe' procedures.
6. DPABI_VIEW: compatible with BrainNet Viewer 1.5.
7. Fixed a "File too small" bug when .hdr/.img files are used.
8. Fixed a bug in y_Standardize.m: error when multiple files are defined.
9. Fixed a bug in DPABI Image Calculator: error in standard deviation calculation along the 4th dimension.
10. Results Organizer module: with this module, the users could organize the intermediate files for future processing with DPABI. In addition, the results could be organized for future use, and to be accumulated for the future R-fMRI maps project.
Please visit to download.
Chao-Gan YAN
Chao-Gan YAN, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator
Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
16 Lincui Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, China
Tue, 12/01/2015 - 12:20
Re: [RFMRI] DPABI V2.0 and
发自我的 iPhone
在 2015年12月1日,18:55,The R-fMRI Network <> 写道:
Tue, 12/01/2015 - 14:40
Re: [RFMRI] DPABI V2.0 and
Qingyang Li
Balance and focus.
Wed, 12/02/2015 - 04:20
Re: [RFMRI] DPABI V2.0 and
Cheers! Sandy