Question about masks for nuisance regression of WM and CSF signal and SPM apriori masks


I have a small ROI mask like BNST and want to subtract this mask from the white matter segmented files or the subjects before regressing WM signal. I used the normal segmentation procedure (not new segment) and get three different types of segmented WM and CSF -files (files starting with c2..., mc2..and wc2). I need to know which one is used for the nuisance regression in DPARSF when using Segment (instead of SPM apriori) in order to subtract my mask from those files beforehand.

I'm also wondering where DPARSF gets the SPM apriori files from in the SPM12 version. As I see in the latest spm12 version there is no apriori folder anymore contained the masks whereas in the spm8 version this folder existed. I used the SPM apriori option with CompCor in my nuisance regression in other datasets before, so I uncertain if the files where found and the regression worked.

Thanks in advance! 

Hi David,

1. c2*, c3* files were used.

2. Yan, C., Zang, Y., 2010. DPARSF: A MATLAB Toolbox for "Pipeline" Data Analysis of Resting-State fMRI. Front Syst Neurosci 4, 13.

"a few default masks made from SPM5’s a priori masks, i.e., the whole brain mask (brainmask.nii) thresholded at 50%, the white matter mask (white.nii) thresholded at 90%, and the CSF mask (csf.nii) thresholded at 70%."

Those mask files are stored with DPARSF.



Thanks so much for the always very helpful answers :)