best fit model analysis

Dear dpabiers, 

Could please recommend me the best approach with the next pilot study..

It's a prepost treatment study, with 2 time points (pre&post) but I've a huge lack of power due to size group ( 3 groups, 5 sujbects each)... 

so, I do not know if I can perform an ANCOVA Repeated measures and introduce the 3 groups or go further and apply a flexible factorial or GLM_Flex scripts...

Another approach, which it could be less conservative,,, is apply paired t-tests for pre&post group and for between group comparisons perform simple 2tests...

What would you recommend? 

Any help would be much appreciated! 



A simple thought: you can calculate the difference for post - pre, and then perform ANOVA for the 3 groups. Or you can perform the flexible factorial. Though given the small sample, probably you can not get a significant effect.



Dear Chao Gan
I have a question about doing functional connectivity with Dpabi: I make a left brain mask according to the micron. The mask show left side in the micron, but when I using rest' viewer, it turn up right side. Now, I do not know if I use this mask to do voxelvise connectivity, the result will be regarded as left or right mask to the whole brain? 

Thanks a lot !


在2016年04月15日 09:28,The R-fMRI Network 写道:

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REST Slice Viewer uses radiology conversion: left is right, and right is left.

You can use DPABI_VIEW, it indicates left and right on the figure.

