Realignment Parameters for already preprocessed files

Dear all,

I am completely new to DPARSFA so this is a very basic question:

I want to further process already preprocessed data. To be more specific: I want to perform GSR on data that has already been realigned, slice-timing corrected, normalized and smoothed. So I put the functional files in "FunImgSARW" (I start with .nii-files, not DICOM) and the structural files in "T1ImgRW". I only check "Nuisance Covariates Regression", specify the no. of Time Points, TR, the working directory and the "Starting Directory Name". Then I hit "Run".  Matlab then immediately gives me the error message

"Unable to read 'Working_Directory/RealignParameter/Sub_003': No such file or directory"

FYI: I am only working with three subjects right now, to get to know the toolbox.

My question: What do I need to provide the realign parameters for? For what computational step are they necessary if I am already providing the realigned data?




Hi Sascha,

Cause head motion parameters should be regressed out in the nuisance regression step. You need to use DPARSF to run "Realign" step to generate the files.



Dear Chao-Gan,

thanks! How exactly do the realignment files have to look-like in order to be compatible with DPARSFA?  For every subject, I have a.txt-file with n rows and 6 columns where n is the number of timesteps and the 6 columns are the different realignment parameters x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw. Is that correct?




Name them as rpXXX.txt.

Or just run realign for one subject to find examples.