ROI signals and Filtering

Hi all,

I just have a quick query, so I extracted ROI time course from 6 region. At the define ROI stage I added 6 masks and DPARSFA listed in alphabetical order. Whwn i got the results in the ROI signal folder I  have 6 list (6 time course from the masks I defined). My question is are these timecourse columns in order of the the way the mask were listed, so would my first time course be the signals for the first mask of the 6 and so on).

Also my DATA has been filtered in an earlier step (0.01 - 0.1) and yet my roi signals still exeed these limits. I have attached an images below.

my data was processedas follows: FunImgRCFWS

Image icon DPARSFA289.16 KB
Image icon ROI SignalS FROM 6 MASK331.95 KB

yes, they are in your defined order, you should use data from another path named FunImgARCWF, F means filted.


发件人: "The R-fMRI Network" <>

发送时间: 2017年7月24日 星期一



主题: [RFMRI] ROI signals and Filtering

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By Jamiu Aminu (aminuj)

Hi all,

I just have a quick query, so I extracted ROI time course from 6 region. At the define ROI stage I added 6 masks and DPARSFA listed in alphabetical order. Whwn i got the results in the ROI signal folder I  have 6 list (6 time course from the masks I defined). My question is are these timecourse columns in order of the the way the mask were listed, so would my first time course be the signals for the first mask of the 6 and so on).

Also my DATA has been filtered in an earlier step (0.1 - 1.0) and yet my roi signals still exeed these limits. I have attached an images below.

my data was processedas follows: FunImgRCFWS

Online version of this post:

Thank you for your response, really appreciate it,

Does the fact I did the filtering step earlier affect my BOLD signals? does this explain why I am getting higher and lower signals that (0.01 - 0.1)

would I get the same results I did the filtering step last? with my current processed data filtering was the third job RCFWS! should it be RCWSF?


You can have a look on RCWSF.

WS after F may introduce some outside frequency.